Summer Sessions Access Register

Welcome to Nimbus Disability


We are an organisation run by and for disabled people who specialise in helping disabled people communicate their evidenced access requirements.

We do this by thinking about the barriers you face when visiting events by using a range of symbols which quickly communicate to the Summer Sessions Accessibility Team what reasonable adjustments you might need.

The symbols of the access card

To do this there needs to be a consistent way to evidence and report access requirements to ensure that these valuable accessible resources are kept solely for the use of those that need them.

Already got an Access Card?

Great news! If you already have an Access Card, your Access Card number can be used straight away, so head to the Summer Sessions Accessible Facilities Application form by clicking the link below.

  • This only applies to Nimbus Access Card holders and does not apply if you are members of a different access registration scheme.

Click here to go to the Summer Sessions Accessible Facilities Form.

Not got an Access Card?

In the next pages, you will be asked some questions about your specific access requirements.

Please note this process is to pre-approve your evidence of need for certain accessible facilities only. You will need to apply separately for use of accessible facilities at Summer Sessions.

It is important to be aware that our decision-making is based on The Equality Act, and we help you communicate the types of reasonable adjustments you should be legally entitled to.

This is not the same as other decision-making systems you may be used to such as claiming disability benefits. Sometimes we may not award the access requirement that you might expect - for example:

  • Not all people that need a level of support reach the threshold of legally being entitled to adjustments such as free/reduced rate companion tickets
  • Not all people that use an accessible toilet will qualify for the WC symbol
  • Not all assistance dogs reach the threshold of evidencing an appropriate level of training to say that they can perform their jobs in otherwise hostile environments
  • People that can stand and queue but face other barriers that might otherwise make queuing difficult might find their needs represented with symbols and adjustments other than the standing and queuing symbol

For this reason, the threshold for making decisions is high and each adjustment we consider must have an appropriate description of need and supporting evidence.

It is essential that you read the guidance notes against each symbol before submitting an answer and give a good description of your need.

There is also guidance to ensure that the supporting information you upload is enough to back up the needs described in your application.

Still, we recommend that you submit what you have and the team can follow up for more information after your application has been submitted if needed.

Alongside the evidence that you provide, you will also need to upload a document, such as a driving licence or passport that confirms your identity, along with a passport-style photo for your pass. Please try to ensure that the image is clear and shows a true likeness.